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When things go wrong: travel delays and missed opportunities.

Day 6 & 7: Contiki South America


I was suppose to be in Brazil overlooking the stunning Iguazu Falls. Instead I am stuck in an airport.

This is travel. It is enviable and it always happens; your plans get changed and things you wanted to do get cancelled. It’s sad and it sucks but what can you do? C’est la vie. I’m still lucky to even be in South America.

Now is the part in the blog where I might give suggestions on what to do when your bored waiting in airports, but honesty, I don’t have many. Being a video blogger I always have work to do, so when there are delays or spare time I usually open up my laptop and edit away.

So in my bored editing time I have combined two days together and instead of breath taking Brazilian falls you get a video of airports, toilets and food. Or to some, my best vlog yet.

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  1. Randy Bear says:

    hey nadine!. this seems like a pretty fun contest so i hope i win :D plus uve been to some pretty cool places this year and id love to have a postcard :) take care byee

    -Randy bear

  2. Espen says:

    Hey! :) i have been following your youtube channel for a long time now, and i saw the postcard giveaway video! I want a postcard from you because you are really cool :p
    I got a postcard from you last year and i keept it close to my heart <3 but my mom spilled coffee on it and it is destroyed :( You should come visit to Norway some time!

    Take care

  3. Mark says:

    I would try to say something positive but missing Iguazu Falls had to suck. They look stunning. But hey, you cant sweat things that you have no control over—so I see you made the best of it, which is all you can do!

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