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What’s new Buenos Aires?

What’s new,  Buenos Aires? I’m new, I wanna say I’m just a little stuck on you. -Evita the Musical

So we have arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina and with no time to spare.  With only one day to spend exploring the city there is just so much to see.

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Day 8: Contiki South America: Buenos Aires, Argentina


La Boca

First stop on our city tour, La Boca, a run-down part of town that has been transformed into a culture mecca and tourist feeding frenzy. Famous for lots of things, including one very good football team.

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So colourful, so bright! I want it all.

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I dressed appropriate.

Next stop, a mausoleum? Well, this wasn’t just any mausoleum; it is where Eva Perón, the most famous women in all of Argentina was buried.

Now I had never seen a mausoleum before, nor had I known what they were used for, so I was pretty excited for this stop.

That and I am a huge fan of the musical Evita. Gotta love Antonio Banderas and Madonna.

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Evita Peróns grave. Duarte was her maiden name.

After our city tour we had a bit of free time to shop. So for three hours I ran around the finest shopping districts in Buenos Aires, desperately trying to find a suitable outfit for tonight’s farewell dinner and tango lesson. But alas, I failed in finding any sort of ensemble. I have never had so much difficulty finding womens clothing shops,  but after careful observation it became quite apparent why.

Argentina is full of good-looking, well-dressed men.

I concluded my shopping complains after realizing this.

Our evening consisted of a wonderful Argentinian Tango lesson, show and dinner.  Thanks Argentina,  now I have a burning desire to take up more tango lessons. Partly due to the factthat I love the music.

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and so does this trip. I hope you have enjoyed coming along with me on my adventures, watching my videos and reading my blog posts.

Thanks Contiki, for the trip of a lifetime!



  1. uncoolgentleman says:

    Hey Nadine!! I just wanted to say that I’m kinda jealous that you get to travel to all of these places. I’d love to travel and see the world. Particularly Western Europe, I was there earlier this year, but it was only a taste. Have you ever seen the show “Departures” on OLN. It’s just a few guys Canadian guys travelling the world and filming it all. They did this for a full 3 years. It’s essentially what you do but with a full sized camera and their show is on TV. Still, you show have a look.

    -Your Uncool Gentleman

  2. Brittany :) says:

    Hi! I’m so jealous of you……. You get to go on SO SO SO SO much trips!! lol #desperate wait… I don’t have a twitter… wow #fail…. DANGIT, okay then…
    Well anyone back on what I was saying. . . . . I’m also jealous that you’re so pretty, and SO lucky! My next trip isn’t for another 7-8 months, but I guess my sister is coming over the holidays so I guess it isn’t a total loss. Anyway, I would be SUPER SUPER happy if I got a post card :)
    ~Brittany <3

  3. Jasmine Liu says:

    hi! yay! thumbs up! i said all 3 things you suggested in your video! does that win me a postcard? haha xD i’m a Vancouverite too! (i THINK you’re from Vancouver. if not, whoops!)

  4. A free post card would be great! Come on, its me you know dspid2404. One of your early subscribers, supporter and fan. I have quite a collection of post cards from many countries but South America is seriously lacking. You’ve been there. Have I said envy you. Also my picture is of a green frog. Your favorite color. I know that because I listen.

  5. Athena says:

    The pictures are so pretttty!
    Buenos Aires reminds me of Cuba, if you ever get to go to Cuba, you should! Havana is gorgeousssssssss and I’d like to see your vlogs on it :D

  6. Penn Moscovitz says:

    My letter to Nadine Sykora

    Oh man, I wish I could even approach a girl like you. You’re so full of energy, you’re alive. If I was ever to meet someone like you, even for a minute long chat, it would make my life worth living. I hope I didn’t seem too dramatic, but damn, people like you are amazing, Nadine. You are like a conduit of happiness, just watching you puts a smile on my face. I hope you see this, Nadine!

    I would love it if I could get a postcard from you, but I mainly want you to see my letter to you ;) keep on being yourself and bringing happiness to those around you!

  7. It’s always interesting to see another country’s culture. The little street with all the shops looks quite cool and the random colourful buildings are not something you’ll see anywhere near where I live :)

    On another note, in the last picture where you’re at the table with all your friends, you can have points for effort for trying to fold your napkin into a swan of some sort…I’m just taking a guess that that’s what’s going on there :) So +5 to Gryffindor!

    • As a matter of interest, even though it says my post is at 2:58am…It’s actually around 1pm here…Just saying >.< Alright now that that's cleared up I'm gonna go get some Chinese food, whoop \o/

  8. mrmagickid914 says:

    That town is amazing one day i hope to live there, I love it when you travel and make videos because its like were on that vacation with you :D

  9. Rin says:

    I think I’m ending up to be like ShayCarl when he kept calling his local radio station and ended up getting hired just so he’ll stop harassing them lol Except all I want is a postcard from you! lolz

  10. Alex says:

    You so totally forgot to add the soccer clubs there. I hear they have places where you can pay and play with other people. One of the places I would love to go too

  11. Ingvild S says:

    Wow, so beautiful! I never knew Buenos Aires was THAT colorful! I absolutely love it! Hope to be able to go there someday :)

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