The scariest night of my LIFE! Camping deep in the Amazon Jungle in Brazil..

The scariest night of my LIFE! Camping deep in the Amazon Jungle in Brazil..
Your sneak preview into this world class city full of beaches, parties, beautiful scenery and more! Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Learn more about these magnificent creatures and what conservation efforts are being done to help them. Praia do Forte, Brazil
A glance into the arts and cultural district of the Pelourinho in Salvador, Brazil
What it's like to spend a night in the Amazon, Brazil.
Part one of our journey into jungle. Amazon, Brazil .
An Amazing Race style look at both the Argentine and Brazilian sides of the incredible Iguassu Falls.
Discovering gems in São Paulo, Brazil the largest city in South America. The start of my 3 week trip around Brazil.
A sneak preview of what to expect from the new South America Contiki Tours.