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Sometimes You Gotta Improvise


Video #3 of my Contiki Canada Thailand Trip.  [Koh Tao, Thailand]

When travelling I like to think I have the proper equipment needed to document my travels, but sometimes I am just missing that one lens, or piece of equipment needed to get the proper shot. For example while on Koh Tao, it was a go-pro pole for water shots. That’s where my engineering skills come into play, sometimes you just gotta improve and craft a makeshift pole out of lots of packing tape and a wood stick. Voila! A cheap go-pro pole perfect for capturing all the beach shots needed. This kind of improvisation happens more often than not, but it works!

I wish I actually took a photo of the pole, it was a work of art. Anyways, enjoy the fruits of my labour and the stunning beach shots!

Koh Tao

@nanalew and myself having great ‘ol boat time!

Koh Nangyuan

This is taken from the top of the viewpoint, around a 10 minute hike, nothing too challenging and I highly recommend climbing to the top. I’ve very lucky this time around as last time I visited Koh Nangyuan I was far to “ill” *cough hungover* to journey any farther than the first beach.

Now you can’t stay overnight on Koh Nangyuan, since it’s just a tiny island and only accessible via boat; however, there is a lovely little cafe where you can grab some food and drink. Plus if your into snorkling, this place has some great reef areas not to far from the shore. Lots of divers venture over here as well.

Special Thanks to Contiki Canada!!


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