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Giant Pandas Everywhere

I have a new favorite animal, the Panda.

When planning our China trip, Kristy and I decided that seeing a Panda was a must. So we went to the largest Giant Panda Base in the world: The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.


Baby Pandas Playing

Baby Pandas! These were 6 months old.

Soo cute!



Nom Noms

Silly Pandas!

Worker cleaning out the panda cage. Silly pandas, all they wanna do is play.

Climbing Panada Time

Now Chengdu was never planned to be a highlight of our China Trip, we thought the usual: The Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors, would take those honors. But those pandas, I have never seen a more adorable creature in my life! Yes, cuter than cats!

Nadine Panda Holding

Lucky me, I even got the opportunity to hold a baby panda! Now opportunity might have been a strech, it was more like I paid 1000 CNY (approx~$150 USD) to hold it for 20 seconds. Was it a complete rip off? Yes. But, the money is technically a donation towards the panda base so I didn’t feel to bad about it. And, the baby panda’s furr felt like a soft fluffy pillow.

Firefoxs aka Red Pandas

FireFox Waiting for Food!

Yes, a web browser was named after you .

Red Panada:FireFox

Wow just look at how high they can climb!


Chengdu China Shopping

Shopping district in downtown Chengdu, for some last minute souvenirs.

Alright guys, this post ends our China trip, AND my China post recap. I hope you have enjoyed revisiting my China vlogs :)

Peace out!


  1. Ingvild S says:

    I can’t believe I haven’t read this blog post before! So many freaking adorable pictures! Pandas are such precious animals and it’s so sad that there aren’t that many left :( Fortunately places like The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding help :)

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