1. Nicky says:

    This is a really interesting video. I’ve never been solo travelling and with anxiety it’s something I’m nervous about but want to do. Hopefully I’ll feel up to it in a couple of years. Will save this post to come back to šŸ™‚

    Nicky xx

  2. jane says:

    I traveled alone in Southeast Asia for three months and honestly I didn’t mind going to restaurants alone the few times I did that — I usually met people at hostels, etc., but since it was off-peak season there were a few areas that were EMPTY (I stayed at one hostel where I was literally the only guest…). Usually the local staff/patrons were very friendly and took the opportunity to practice their English, or I just relaxed and read a book. Love your videos!

  3. Charissa Ricker says:

    Great advice! I love to travel and these tips make solo traveling seem not only possible but reasonable and safe. I would have never thought that hostels would be a good idea while traveling solo, but it seems like a great way to meet fellow solo travelers.

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