What To Pack: Travel First Aid Kit

As an experienced traveller I’ve learnt the importance of carrying around a full first aid kit with me when I travel. Even more so if I am traveling solo. This is because THINGS HAPPEN, accidents happen, scraps, bruises, burns,  food poisoning, headaches, and sore feet.  These things are all apart of travel and they can ruin your day, or week if you are not prepared. So I like to be prepared, and this is what I pack:

Travel First Aid Kit Packing List

  • Antiseptic GelPolysporin
  • Mosquito/Bug Relief– AfterBite
  • AntacidsGaviscon/Tums 
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Medical Tape
  • Blister Pads– Polysporin
  • Mole Skin
  • Antidiarrhoeals
  • Cold/Flu Medication– Cold FX
  • Throat Lozenges– Strepsils
  • Alcohol Wipes
  • Oral Electrolyte/ Rehydration Tablets – Dioralyte
  • Bandaids
  • IbuprofenAdvil
  • Iron Pills
  • Motion Sickness Pills  (if you get motion sick)
  • Antihistamines/Allergy MedicationBenadryl 
  • Constipation Relief /Senna Tablets
  • Digestive EnzymesBeano
  • Acetaminophen- Tylenol 
  • Iodine Ointment 
  • Lactaid (if lactose intolerant)
  • Heavy Duty BandagesTergaderm 
  • Waterproof BandageBandaid 
  • Maleria Tablets – (depending on location traveling to) Malarone
  • Different Size Gauze Pads 
  • Burn Pad- 2nd Skin
  • Tweezers 
  • Emergency Survival Blanket
  • Sewing Kit
  • Emergency Flash Light


And there we have it! If there is anything I missed please let me know down below in the comments. Also, what do YOU pack in your first aid kit?


  1. Leah Davis says:

    I’m so impressed with how compact that kit is! I don’t carry a whole kit but usually have a few basic things like band-aids and ibuprofen and the like and then just buy other things I need as I go (since I rarely do need them). But you make a good case for carrying around some of this stuff anyway 🙂

  2. Inma says:

    This is SO helpful! I’m planning some longer travelling next year so this is the first time I will need to be more prepared and carry lots with me. Your videos are coming in so handy to know what to take!

    Inma x

  3. Romy Colbert says:

    Really a great list you have provided. We are planning a camping to Canada this year. Lets see when. But I will have to be prepared, as it will be a family trip. Your video backpacking guide for Europe & southeast Asia is nice. Thanks for sharing such a useful information.

  4. Azzy says:

    Hey Nadine! , have you had any trouble bringing all these thru the TSA checkpoint in various countries? or do you normally put them in your checked bag. I’m bagpacking and just planning to – carry on my bagpack. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!

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