Volunteering in Africa : Elephants and Mud Wrestling

VSA-LogoContinuing on with my incredible Volunteer Southern Africa Living with Big Cats program, here we have video number #2.

The morning elephant walk was just incredible, I honestly could not believe how fast elephants moved! They just walk along at a casual pace and we have to almost run behind to follow along and keep up!

This was easily one of my favorite parts of the Living with Big Cats Program, as I think it’s awesome we can have a bit of interaction with the Elephants, without invading their space too much. Also, after the morning walk the elephants get to roam around for the whole rest of the day, how awesome is that?!

Elephant Thumb-01

Living with Lions-02

Living with Lions-03

Living with Lions-01-2

Yes I did take a dip in a real, actual mud hole. And yes it did take days for the dirt to wash off my cloths and out of my hair.

I do it for the video!




One comment

  1. Damon and Jo says:

    Aww those elephants are so cute! You’re living the dream! Keep on keepin’ on; your content gets better every video! Those aerial shots of the elephants running is just like…wow.

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