Raglan Surf Town!

Since I decided to write a whole novel for yesterdays entry, I’ll keep this nice and short.

Today we headed from Hahei to Raglan with a pretty long travel day.

Raglan 2

We didnt arrive into Raglan until after 2:00pm and that was without any stops aside from food and washroom. However, once we got to Raglan boy where we in for a treat. It is the perfect surf town, and the lodge we stayed at was tucked away in the forest with this lovely view of the water. (And it had such comfy beds!)

View from the Raglan Hostel

When we finally got down to the beach I thought I would do some body boarding, since I have done both surfing and body boarding before. See, I find surfing extremely difficult and frustrating while body boarding I am actually pretty decent at lol, maybe I should become a professional body boarding , if there is even such a thing.

Boggie Boarding

Me and Saskia

Me and my German friend Saskia!

So in conclusion, Raglan really lived up to it’s name and as it’s reputed to have one of the best best left breaks in the world! Regardless, this beach was amazing AND so is this photo.

Tiger on the Beach

I call this Tiger on the Beach.


  1. Seems I have a case of insomnia tonight. So I looked to the computer and to my joy your site just popped up with two new days of adventure to read. Perfect timing. Looks like your having a great time. New Zealand looks to be a beautiful place to visit. I hope it is equally as nice to live in. Looks like you have caught the traveling bug.

    Looking forward to the new video. Till next time.


  2. jimmbboe says:

    Love your Tiger on the Beach photo! Glad to see you’re having fun!! I eagerly await your next adventure update

  3. Yudai says:

    Great updates! Looking forward to more stories of your travels! As long as you are happy, we’re all happy. I’m glad you had the courage to leave home and travel.

    Good luck! šŸ™‚


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