Oregon Coast

Hey guys and gals! SO me and my mom decided to drive to LA down the Oregon coast as we have heard how amazing and gorgeous it was 🙂 Trust me, it did NOT disappoint.

Oregon Coast Drive

Oregon Coast

Oregon Coast Sea Lions

Oregon Coast 4

Oregon Coast 1

Regardless of the fact that the highway was incredibly windy and slow to drive, the views were very much worth it.

While in Oregon we made a pit-stop in Florence, Oregon to check out the HUGE 40 mile long Oregon Dunes!!  And of course I HAD to try some dune bugging while I was there 😛

Oregon Dunes

Oregon Dunes

Oregon Dune Buggie

Now you might not be able to tell from this photo, but I was VERY scared on this adventure!! These dune buggies when 90 degrees on the hills and I swear there where multiple times where my knowledge of gravity was being put to the test.

However, all in all it was a super fun experience and I would definitely recommend going to see the dunes in Oregon if you ever pass by there 🙂


  1. Don (dspid2404) says:

    Are you using the xacti camera? If so, it seem to be holding up pretty well. Have a nice trip to LA.

  2. ralph marie de largo says:

    Hey Nadine, I see my YouTube® Personalities timid and scared to opine about this nation’s many problems. I’d like to see you tackle controversies like Abortion-Genocide, Homo-marriage, your thoughts about religion and morality, sort of like a ‘Nadine’s Stack of Thought.’ I want to hear what you think. I suppose that it is hard enough shielding yourself from ‘Haters’ even with your innocuous videos and this suggestion can only make matters worse but if you set up some type of ‘donation’ channel where you discuss your thoughts with a select group of ‘Donation Subscribers,’ it will eliminate much of the cheap-skate riff-raff comments. I boycott the use of PayPal® because of its corporate donations to Planned Parenthood, the baby killers, so set up some other way I can get my donations to you to join your new channel. Sincerely, rm’l

  3. mrmagickid914 says:

    i would love to go Sand Bugging or however its called there, The view of the water is just eye catching!

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