Living with Cheetahs | Volunteering in South Africa

What happens when you take a Cheetah for a walk with a Drone? Find out, plus learn about raising, releasing and conservation work with CheetahsΒ at the Living with Cheetahs Volunteer Southern Africa Project.

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  1. Alexandria says:

    What an amazing experience, I once looked into volunteering with lions in Zimbabwe. I haven’t found myself there yet but I will definitely make it happen.

  2. Xplorato says:

    Awesome read and cause πŸ™‚ i love trying to combine my adventures with something that will benefit the community or wildlife and this looks like a great time to do just that. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Nadine, I have been following your blog for a while. Discovered it through Nomadic Matt’s website. You are doing great job. Especially videos are all great to watch. Inspiring. Thank you.

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