Adventure in Cancun

I love every opportunity I get to be an explorer like Indian Jones. Seriously, I feel like if there was a “past” Nadine I would have been some sort of explorer. So, in my recent trip down to Cancun, Mexico, I did just that.

First location was in the jungle at the ancient Mayan ruins of Coba,  where we climbed on one of the tallest temples in the Yucatan Peninsula.  This is the view from the top looking over the entire jungle, talk about exploration!



After that it was a change of scenery for some scuba diving in the cenotes! We did two dive total through two different cenotes just outside of Playa del Carmen.

While this looks like cave diving, it’s actually cavern diving, quite different as cave diving is diving without light and requires a specific PADI certification. We were all certified PADI Open Water Divers, which was fine to dive here with. I do believe you have to at least be certified to dive in the cenotes, although there might be some beginner ones for those who don’t know.




Seriously though, if you are in Cancun, Mexico, this is a must- do! Completely other worldly. I am still in awe.



  1. Tami says:

    Definitely one day! My friend lives in Mexico and is always asking me to come for a visit. It’s definitely on my Bucket List. But first, I want to head on over to Costa Rica. 🙂

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