About those Flies…


Contiki RoadTrip 2013: Video #2: Uluru, Australia

You know those funny ranger hats stereotypical Aussies always wear in all the movies and posters? Heck, you might have even received one as a gift at some point. They looks funny, and we laugh at the ones with corks attached to them that swing about. Well I now understand the reasoning behind these hats. Sun and flies, beware of the flies.

They will come at you from all angles.

YES, they will fly into your mouth and eyes and ears and nose.  It is literally like a full on assault to each and every opening on your face.

They love white and black and will piggyback onto your clothing and gear.

Worse of all, the noise. That buzzing noise that you can’t do anything about. You can feel and hear them and there is no escape. Unless there is wind. Go towards the breeze kids, it’ll be the best breeze you’ve ever had.

Of course, this is just a small thing in the whole grand scheme of things. Let us not forget about the amazing, incredible place we are currently visiting. No I didn’t forget about that, don’t worry.

Uluru – Ayers Rock

Uluru hiking crew!

Kata Tjuta

Read more about the RoadTrip 2013 here.