New Zealand, East As! Video Vlog #3

Here is my last installment of the first of MANY more New Zealand videos to come. However, now we are going to take a break for a few weeks to jump over to guess where, SINGAPORE! And we are gonna go on many more adventures! So stay tuned, and make sure you RSS feed me so you get all the updates .

Links to the blog posts talked about in this video are

Rotorua + White Water Rafting!

Go East! Rotorua to Maraehako Bay

Go East! Maraehako Bay to Gisborne

Go East! Gisborne to Rotorua


  1. jheison says:

    hey how do u manage to be able to travel all over the world it seems like it is for free i want to be able to do that some day so i would love it if you can tell me

  2. TheDeadman says:

    Please tell me you’re going to come to germany!
    It’s warm and sunny and … ahm .. you know ^.^

  3. Ian says:

    Whomever advised you on your NZ trip gave you good advise. I am originally from there and you saw everything worth seeing.

    I am (hopefully) moving to Canada soon from Australia and I discovered this blog by searching for “Canada” on YouTube and finding the (entertaining) “Canada Day” video.

    Thanks for all the videos about Canada, I am trying to gather as much info as possible before I leave, so I don’t step off the plane and slip on the ice and die or something equally stupid that only a native would know not to do.

    I hope all these blogs and videos you do are ultimately an economic success for you, they sure look like hard work!


  4. murat aksan fatsu) says:

    nadine artık şu yasak ilişkiye son verelim.evlenelim.

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