My 60 Days in Tobago Round-Up


It’s crazy how quickly 60 days can go by. It seems like only yesterday that I had just arrived in Tobago for the 60 Days in Paradise Contest and now I am back home.


I can’t even begin to describe how incredible this life experience has been for me. I have learnt, seen and done so much this summer it’s hard for me to keep track. Luckily it was my job to record it and share my experiences with all of Canada and the world. I truly hope that everyone that has been following along with my journeys this summer has enjoyed and learnt so much about Tobago. It really is a remarkable island and I tried my hardest to produce the best content, photos, posts etc, all for you!!

Although this journey has ended, I encourage you all to go back through all the 60 Days Posts.

Check out the Instagram

Read up on the Facebook

Go watch on , or down below as this is a playlist of all 11 videos I produced.

Thank you once again Tobago for having me, the viewers who voted for me, and the subscribers who have been following along on my journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! And P.S. this isn’t the last you’ll see about Tobago.





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