Introducing The RoadTrip

I am so beyond excited to announce to you guys my next project with Contiki, the youth travel company I have had global partnership with for the last several months. This time things are going to be a bit different as I will be joined by 12 other fellow YouTubers! Get ready for vlogging overload.


The Schedule


One of the things I am most excited about is the 3 gathering we will be having.  Finally I’ll get a chance to meet up with you guys and gals! I’ve done a couple smaller meets with fans during my travels but I’m always so hesitant about doing them,  two reasons:

  1. I never really know my schedule so it’s hard to plan more than a day in advance.
  2. I’m afraid someone is going to hurt me. No joke, I love you guys but I am a solo female meeting with strangers on the internet. There are a lot of documented cases of bad things happening. So I always take the side of safety.

But, now with a group of people I am way less hesitant and I am actually super pumped about these gatherings and really hope you guys can come out to meet me!

All this info and more will be on the website so make sure you check it out!


  1. Alex says:

    Free gift to the first 200?! .. I hope theres not going to be that many people .. then I wont hardly get a chance to talk to you or anyone else!


  2. sammy says:

    looking forward to meeting you when you come to England nadine! i would love to be able to travel like you do 🙂

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