Pleasant Surprises : Nha Trang

I love pleasant surprises, like Nha Trang. When I venture into a new country or city I sometimes have this preconceived idea of what it will be like. What I had for Vietnam was more of what Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta were like. I definitely did not expect golden sandy beaches and water sports.

Well Nha Trang, you sure do surprise.

Vlog #14: Contiki big Indochina Adventure: Nha Trang, Vietnam


Nha Trang, Vietnam

Lucky us we got to spend 2 days in Nha Trang, so for one of the days we hung out on a Vietnamese boat listening to tunes, swimming in the water and eating a fantastic lunch.

Boat Concert- Nha Trang, Vietnam

Boat Concert- Nha Trang, Vietnam-3

There was even a live band playing; they tied three boats together and made a makeshift stage on the middle boat. There they played some Vietnamese songs but mainly cover songs from North American bands. At one point they had a karaoke session in which they invited people from various countries up and played a “theme song” most related to their country.

Jet Ski - Nha Trang, Vietnam-2

Later in the afternoon we got a chance to do some watersports, at a ridiculous cheap rate. For 450 VND, which equals about $20 USD,  we got a jet ski rental. Totally worth it! Krista and I had a wicked awesome time and I learned how to do donuts on a jet ski- BONUS!


  1. Mark says:

    Thanks Nadine–Really been enjoying your Vlogs. Seems like such a long time ago when I saw you in that Jet boat in New Zealand..I found your last few vlogs especially intersting and informative. Thanks for sharing, your heart is as big as your smile,,, Be safe! Bye

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