California Coast

San Fransisco and California Coast

As we head away from Oregon naturally what comes next is California! So first stop was in San Fransisco, well what was suppose to be a quick break turned into a slight headache. Mind you the planes were still pretty cool to watch, but the ridiculous crowd numbers where CRAZY. Trying to drive through it was also a nightmare, however, I did manage to get some good calamari and chips šŸ˜›

San Fransisco

Alcatraz Island

101 Highway

Monterey & Pebble Beach

Next up was Monterey, now prior to driving through here I had no idea how expensive and how much of a resort this town was, and that realization came with a pricey cost. However it didn’t take me long to realize the beauty that Monterey truly is. Below are some photos of the beach along 17-mile drive, a TOLE drive mind you šŸ™ $9 USD to drive and see Pebble Beach Golf Course, but to me it was worth it.



Cali coast with mist

Pebble Beach Golf Course

Pebble Beach Golf Course

Next stop, LA!


  1. jimmbboe says:

    San Francisco is a great place and the airshow there is awesome. Monterey is also a beautiful place. I’m not a golfer myself but your pictures are great!

  2. Don (dspid2404) says:

    You never discussed your golfing that much, mostly for security reasons which is understandable, but now that you are our of school, how long did you play senior golf? How good were you?

    Have a nice trip to LA. Drive safe.

  3. Don (dspid2404) says:

    Sorry, I meant varsity golf, not senior. You’re not quite old enough for senior golf just yet.

  4. David says:

    hey nadine

    i have been folow you for some time now but somehow i mist this vlog
    and found it here on this site

    What a fan am i šŸ™

    any ways looks like you had a great time with the airshow and all
    (well everwhere you go you have a great time šŸ˜€ ) and that is a good thing

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