CBC’s List of Laughs 2010

Hey Guys and Gals! So I am taking part in CBC’s

Basically it is an online contest to try and find the funniest viral clips of 2010!


So as an advocate I got to pick my funniest clip of 2010 and I picked T-Shirt War!- By Rhett and Link. Click below to watch the video and make sure you visit CBC.CA/LOL to watch/vote and submit YOUR own ideas for funniest clip of 2010!!


  1. ralph marie de largo says:

    No Winners…? No Losers…? No Prize Money, honey…? No tears from the agony of defeat…? No in-your-face victory dancing and booty shankin’ in the end-field…? W_t_F….? Ohh… wait a minute, this is Canada… Never-mind.

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