1. Love the video Nadine – totally agree on the short connection tip – that’s a rookie mistake I’ve made too, especially flying into and out of major hubs where you always get delayed. P.S. Love you shirt!

  2. Dexie says:

    It’s also a good thing bring some basic medicines too, its really inevitable that you will feel sick specially by staying under the sun for a long time and went back to your fully air-conditioned room that usually leads to fever or flu. If feeling sick atleast you dont need to go out and find it.

  3. Michelle says:

    Two rookie mistakes: 1) Much of the world speaks English, so I never worried too much. Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai most signs are in two languages. Until I was stuck at dusk in the warehouse district outside of Shanghai. No cell phone, no cabs where my concierge-written Chinese-language hotel instructions were noted would be useful. No payphones. No busses. Ever since then I do not travel where English is not the dominant language WITHOUT a working cell phone. 2) Always look under the bed when you check in and before you check out.

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