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I Heart Discovery Channel: Three Gorges Dam

Because I am a total nerd and I love watching Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel, I convinced Kristy to go visit the Three Gorges Dam! So we jumped on a 14 hour train ride to the city of Yichang, gateway to the Three Gorges.


Yangtze River

This is a photo of the Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world and the life line to millions of Chinese people.  The Yangtze River is spectacular and I had put it on my China to do list; unfortunately, I failed to factor one small detail into the plan, smog. It’s hard to even believe the amount of smog there was near Yichang and near the dam. It seemed like the more inland Kristy and I traveled, the worse it became. It really, truly is such a shame since it ruined all views we had of the river and the dam.

yangtze river

yangtze river mountains

It is times like these that make me feel so blessed to live in Canada where the air quality is superb.

Three Gorges Dam

3 Gorges Dam China

It may look tiny but don’t let this photo fool you, this is the largest Hydroelectric Dam in the world!

Standing Guard

Guards taking their job very seriously.

Nadine Three Gorges DAm

View from the top basin of the dam.

Nevertheless, I am still giddy and glad we took this minor detour,  I got to mark another engineering marvel off my Big, Bigger and Biggest Bucket List.



  1. Yevgenia says:

    I want to win a postcard because just like you i love to travel and have been collecting postcards since i was 12 years old.Also I am a huge fan of your and have been since pretty much the beginning when you started to appear in Shane’s videos.I would absolutely buy some of the postcards from you but currently are not financial able to since i am a very struggling college student,single mom and recently lost my job.Please pick me it would me the world to me and it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Mark says:

    You may live in Canada where the air is clear but this crap has to go somewhere—There is a trend in some places to charge people according to their carbon footprint–This area obviously would be in poverty if it ever catches on globally. Just hope somebody over there takes note and hopefully over time can change this–14 hour train trip (one way or two?) OMG!

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