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Hot Summer Fashion

Let’s just call this, “When Youtuber’s have too much time on their hands .”



Don’t forget! YOU could win a vacation to Jamaica where I shot this video plus $3500 spending money to get to experience the exact same things I did! ALSO, you’ll get your own waterproof Xacti camera! All you have to do is CLICK HERE to vote for my video and you’ll be entered to win!


  1. ralph marie de largo says:

    Yahoo… um… er… Woot… woot… i am the first to comment… um… er… aahh… Nadine has pretty eyes… Mmm… i’ll watch the video… did Olga Kay make it…? Ya vass U-blue…

  2. ralph marie de largo says:

    Hey Nadine… I am commanded by Christian Faith to tell U that your relationship with PayPal™ is evil. PayPal™ is a corporation that advocates and financially supports through their corporate donations the wicked Planned Parenthood… these genocidal killers of People of the Womb. I cannot donate Postcards from U as long as U remain in this diabolical relationship with PayPal™, indeed if U continue supporting their atrocity against mankind then I must reassess my subscription to your website. U place Ur soul into mortal peril of HELL by doing business with this baby killing corporation. I want to see U in our Lords’ eternal heavenly kingdom. I present to U this evidence of their guilt, “Newly Identified Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood Named,” by LifeSiteNews dot com August 11, 2010. Kenneth C. Garvey, Life Decisions International, Director of Communications says, he is critical of pro-life organizations that continue to use PayPal™… Garvey says, “It is unconscionable that anyone who claims to be pro-life would willingly do business with a company that funds the number one enemy of pre-born children.” Nadine Sykora you shall always remain in my daily prayers whatever U decide. I am your virtual internet friend and brother in Christ always, sincerely ralph marie de largo.

  3. Michael Pearson says:

    Hehe, sweet vid.

    @ralph_marie_de_largo Dude, seriously, lighten up! “You place your soul into mortal peril of hell” ?!!!!!

  4. Lord Saint Ray says:

    Dude Nadine I haven’t watched your stuff in a while. lulz :3

    But its Friday the 13th as I post this so I’m just going to wish you some good luck. ↓§╪§↓


  5. ralph marie de largo says:

    Michael Pearson, this is the teaching of the Holy Mother Church. Abortion-Genocide is a mortal sin against Almighty God our eternal Father. It is a hideous atrocity against mankind and denies a fellow Citizen of his God given unalienable right to life. Just how ‘lightly’ do you think Jesus Christ will punish for the murder of 52 Million of his children of the womb since 1973? I sincerely love Nadine as my sister in Christ. I done warned her truthfully.

    • Bee says:

      Does Nadine believe in God? I hope she does. Can you give me a link or a video with proof of that? It would make the day which is mine!

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