Looking for long term travel? How about Volunteer Work, Working Holidays or Studying Abroad?

Looking for long term travel? How about Volunteer Work, Working Holidays or Studying Abroad?
What's the benefit and the difference between solo, group tours or self planned group travel?
Welcome to episode #1 of my step-by-step guide to planning your own trip or travels!!
Take a trip through Europe with me on this fun, interactive choose your own adventure !
A playlist of all the group videos filmed for The Roadtrip 2012.
Must Have Accessories for your iPad, Which Digital Camera is Right for You The Importance of Surge Protection .
2 new episodes of Staples TechTV: Inkjet vs. Laser Printers + How to Download eBooks to Your eReader
2 new episodes of Staples TechTV: Android Tablet Overview - Which one is right for you? + Top 5 Tech Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season. AND a chance to win 4 awesome tech gadgets just for watching!
Top 5 Tech Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season PLUS, win a new Kindle 3G eReader for watching my new web series!
The launch of my brand new hosted web series to help you make the most of technology at home and at work.
So, after 2 weeks of planning, 3 days of writing, 48 hours of filming, and 30+ hours of editing, we have created the most EPIX INTERACTIVE Harry Potter Youtube Video EVER!