How to embarrass yourself in front of hundreds of people

Now I don’t attend award shows on a regular basis so when I was nominated for a 2011 Digi Award, I was pretty ecstatic. However, at the show I seemed to have mixed a bit of nerves with excitement and a glass of wine on an empty stomach. Which therefore lead to Nadine thinking certain things are funny when they sometimes might not be.

Like referencing Academy Award jokes on a live stage thinking people would get the reference and therefore embarrassing myself.

Yup, that’s what I did. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad or was it?


Canada's Top Social Media Maven

My Digi Award for Canada’s Top Social Media Maven

Check out the rest of the 2011 Digi Award Winners. Big thank you to Achilles Media for putting on a wonderful 2011 nextMEDIA conference and Digi Awards.

Don’t forget to read my post on the nextMEDIA conference as well!


  1. Alex says:

    haha awkward! … but adorable lol i would have been ten times more awkward but congrats again! I hope you enjoyed Toronto and you should come back again sometime.


      • Alex says:

        Aren’t we all though sometimes πŸ˜›
        Its a good thing though i think cause otherwise it means people are only doing the same old boring things their used to in order to avoid it instead of experiencing new things. In all honesty you werent really that awkward, just kind of an awkward situation not knowing what to say and people not getting your jokes lol

        P.S. Did you already do the postcard giveaway thing? Or did you not send them out yet? … Just curious


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