My 90 Day Travel Packing List

So if you read my last blog post announcing my partnership with Contiki, you would know that I’m going to be traveling for the next few months. Since my last venture to a foreign country left me in a mad packing daze in which I forgot socks, toothpaste, jeans and going out shoes, I thought I would actually make a packing list of things I wish to bring this time. That last trip was only 9 days, this one will be 3 months long.

First thing to remember, I will be packing mainly for summer weather; however, from my previous experiences in New Zealand I have learned to be prepared for everything.


90 day packing list:

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  • 1 rain jacket
  • 2 pairs of jeans/pants
  • 1 pair comfy yoga pants
  • 1 pair black leggings
  • 5 shorts
  • 3 tank top shirts
  • 1 dress tank top
  • 1 nice t-shirt
  • 2 plain t-shirts
  • 2 dresses( one beach one evening)
  • 1 warm nicer sweater
  • 2 hoodies/jumpers
  • 4 pairs Socks
  • Underwear (lots)
  • PJ shorts + night t-shirt
  • 2 bikinis
  • 1 scarf
  • Jewelry + rings


  • Hiking shoes
  • 1 Sandals
  • 1 Flip-Flogs
  • 1 Pair going out shoes (wedges)
Toiletries Bag


  • Toiletry bag plus contents
  • Make-up
  • 1 face towel
  • 1 regular quick dry towel
  • 2x Suntan lotion
  • Insect repellent
  • Aspirins/meds/anti-diarrheal (MUST)
  • Travel blow dryer
  • Mini hair straightener
  • Mini travel size perfume

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  • Canon 60D DSLR camera
  • Canon Powershot SD780 IS camera
  • Sanyo Xactix-100 waterproof camera
  • 2 x 16GB SD cards
  • 2 x 8GB SD cards
  • 1 small gorilla Pod
  • Shotgun Microphone
  • Tamron 10-24mm lens
  • Canon 18-55mm lens
  • 2 UV filters
  • Lens cleaner pen
  • 11″ Macbook Air
  • 1 TB external hard drive
  • 1 SD card USB scanner
  • Chargers and cords

DSLR Purse


  • Sunglasses
  • Laundry powder
  • Sewing kit
  • Flashlight
  • Mini first-aid kit
  • Cell phone
  • Umbrella
  • Travel Pillow
  • Locks and wires
  • Glasses
  • 2 Belts
  • Notepad + pen
  • Clutch purse (for going out)
  • Visa papers
  • Wallet
  • Photocopies of documents
  • Passport
  • Itinerary


All this will be packed into my Osprey Ariel 65 backpack, my JoTotes DSLR purse, and my Osprey helix daypack.

What I packed for 3 months

So there you have it, all three bags I am taking with me. Side note: After I filmed my packing video I actually removed one of the skirts and black shirts, I figured I was packing a bit much πŸ˜›

Packing Cat

Can you spot what doesn’t belong in my backpack here? Still, kitty, she wishes I could take her with me <3

Alright, see you in New Zealand!!



  1. I’m very amazed you made all that fit in those 3 bags lol…
    and thank you for reminding me that the seasons are opposite in NZ and Australia! … this is something I somehow had yet to think about for planning my trip this summer lol fail.
    Thinking I would rather go somewhere that is also summer…. hmmm more planning necessary!
    I’m so excited for your videos and stuff tho… seeing all the nice summery weather will be a nice change from Canadian winter! πŸ™‚


  2. Nils Moeckel says:

    Hey Nadine!
    You should definitely use the mike! You are sometimes a bit hard to understand, especially when there is wind. That packing video made me really excited for the vlogs u are going to make! Have fun and be safe!

  3. jimmbboe says:

    “Underwear(lots)” Don’t forget to turn them inside out for that extra day of freshness! LOL

    Have a great trip! πŸ™‚

  4. Mark says:

    Very well thought out- would be interesting if you could follow up after your trip with “things I wish I would have brought” and “things I wish I had left behind” Thanks for sharing–look forward to the videos!!! BYE

  5. TJ says:

    This is such a great video! I watched all 21 minutes. I have no idea how I am going to pack for roughly 45 days – I don’t know how you did 90 days. πŸ™‚

    How was 4 pairs of socks enough? Do you wear flip flops a lot?

  6. I’m getting ready to live in Spain for 3 months! I can across your packing list and made a few minor adjustments for the region I’ll be living in. Thanks for the list!

  7. Sarah says:

    Hey Nadine!
    I am planning a similar trip in January and this list is super helpful. I will be travelling with the exact same Osprey Ariel pack and am wondering if you were able to carry your pack on or if you had to check it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  8. jnelson46 says:

    Very informative, thank you!

    During your trip, was there anything you wished you had brought?

    I’m leaving for a 90-day trip to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji in less than three weeks and would find this information very helpful. Thanks!!

  9. Misty Romero says:

    I loveee your blog. Thank you for posting so interesting information. I am going to visit France next week. I am going to follow your method of packing precisely. Thank for sharing it. Greets!

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